Warmest regards

May 25, 2012

Jadi inget... Perjuangan Ng-event

Jadi inget.....
`Pagi-pagi sebelum berangkat ke sekolah, mampir Pasar Serangan utk beli dagangan.
`Siang-siang stress karna jualan enggak habis, padahal dikejar target.
`Cari donatur dari satu toko ke toko lain, berharap ada yang dermawan, biar target perminggu terpenuhi.
Once, Usda...

Jadi inget.....
`Pulang sekolah, bareng HumPub lainnya nempelin poster di Sedayu yang jauhnyaaaa, dan hampir tiap hari.
`Menghampiri pos ronda demi pos ronda untuk nempel poster Sunmas.
`Ke 4 kantor kelurahan untuk nyebarin surat ijin & invitasi.
Once, Publikasi...

Bahkan yang hanya satu kali pun sangat penuh keringat, kesan, pengalaman, perjuangan.

Jadi inget.....
`Betapa repotnya dapet tugas ngurus 4 media sekaligus.
`Ngatur waktu, hari ini ke koran ini, besok ke koran itu dan radio ini, besoknya ke TV ini.
`Harus nggenjrit ke Jl. Wonosari KM 9, ngasih proposal di pos satpam, lalu pulang.
`Nangis disuruh ngurusin Jogj*TV, jauhnya minta ampun, mbaknya jutek banget.
`Ke Kota Bantul(bener-bener di kotanya), ngurus 1 radio, dan akhirnya cuma dapet 1 adlips/hari H-5. Kampret.
`Jadi koordinator, alhamdulillah, dengan pasukan yang oke.
`Jadi koordinator, tapi nggak ikut bertugas di hari-H karena jadi pemain teater.
Many times, HUMAS.

Kenapa HUMAS? Idk.
Sekali coba di PadFunbike2010 langsung ketagihan hehehe.
Dan sekarang aku jadi pengen kuliah di Komunikasi. Terima kasih Padmanaba.

This post is inspired by my twitter timeline recently, full of #PSIKOPAD7 and #LustrumXIV.
What are #PSIKOPAD7 and #LustrumXIV? CLICK!

May 13, 2012

Prayer of Love

Kajian Keputrian Padmanaba, 13 Mei 2012

Hadist Qudsi, Ali Usman 1986

May 10, 2012

Kartini a la Padmanaba

Yep! Suddenly, I'm in a mood for posting, jadi harus segera disalurkan, biar nggak mubadzir ;)
Now I'm gonna post about the celebration of Kartini's Day in my school, Padmanaba.
This celebration is called PPHK (Pekan Peringatan Hari Kartini).

SOCIAL GIRLS!!! But without Shafa & Putrek -_-
PPHK is obviosly special. First, the whole school ppl wearing traditional outfit, uuu Kebaya dan Surjan bersatu tak bisa dikalahkan #opoh. Second, there is a flag-raising ceremony, and all the crew is woman! Third, those free consume, ahahaa~. And the fourth is, there are many contest between classes, dua angkatan yang berpartisipasi :D

Acha & Shafa, flag-raising ceremony, midfield.
Upik, Nafit, Acha, Shafa, Pak Rudy
photos by Pak Rudy

Not all person is excited with Kartini's Day. Hmm. But I'm the excited one, ahahaa. I love wearing Kebaya! Doesn't matter with that little make-up on my face. And it's OK for me to wear that 'jarik', and hard-to-walk instead. Itu semua kan emang so woman stuff, no problemo ;)

Beside that, it's obvious that there's no actually relation between Kartini's Day and Traditional Outfits. But...come on, it's OK to wear 'em, toh jarang-jarang kan. Hitung-hitung sekalian menghargai dan melestarikan budaya Indonesia #tsaaahh.

Acha. Taken by Siti kalo nggak salah
Ok then, back to PPHK...
This year PPHK was held on Sunday, April 23rd 2012. Yeaah, 2 days after the-real-date (April 21st) haha. As usual, di PPHK kali ini I was wearing a traditional outfit called Kebaya. I wore a white Kebaya, purple long-torso, and white veil. I had no idea about the shoes, so I was just wore my brown wedges.

Bhapad69 girls, showing their formation
There, Padmanaba 69 was the flag-raising ceremony doer. The middle field of my school became soo colorful by those traditional outfit's colour :-D After that, there was Dimas-Diajeng contest. The winner was Ardita as the Dimas, and Roro as Diajeng. Both are Padmanaba 68.

Eat-Maicih contest. One word, EDAN.
Moreover, there were also Eating-Maicih contest and Boy-Girlband. Every class was sending their 'delegation' haha :)) There was also free consume for everyoneeee! Es Cendol + Ice Cream, but I wasn't taste 'em even a drop, bcs I was still in a carantine-of-fried-food-and-cold-drinks fo my play, Antigone :(

Es Cendol. Yummy and sexy, but I cudnt taste it :(
photos by Siti Budhiarso

Aku cuma bisa menelan ludah melihat temen-temen minum Es Cendol & Es Krim dengan lahapnya. Tapi gapapa, daripada aku mengonsumsi itu kemudian menyesal waktu pementasan karena suara habis? hahaha :D

Pokoknya PPHK selalu menyenangkan, for me! Terima kasih para panitia hehe.
foto menyusul