Warmest regards

December 10, 2011

Celebrities Without Makeup

Would them still fabulous as they seem in front of public?
*iseng banget ane*

Guess, who are they :D








all pictures from googl**e :p

  1. Justin Bieber's GF, Selena gondes Gomez
  2. Ignorance is your new best friend.... Hayley William
  3. Siapa hayo?? Yaa, Jessica Alba
  4. :)) Kim Kardashian
  5. Spiderman! Kirsten Dunst
  6. Kristen Steward a.k.a Bella Cullen
  7. Umbrella..ela..ela..eh..eh..eh... Rihanna

December 8, 2011

Tips Biar Blog Ramai

Just wanna share some 'idea' or 'tips' or whatever....
Buat yang suka blogging, pasti suka blogwalking kan? :D

Nah, kadang2 aku suka ngiler nih kalo lihat blog yang ramai/banyak dikunjungi. Setelah aku analisis (halah), ada beberapa kesamaan dari blog-blog yang rame itu :)

Sebenernya kurang pas sih kalo mau dibilang 'Tips Biar Blog Rame', sedangkan blogku sepi beginih stripunderscorestrip
Tapi yaa, sebut aja ini 'ide' atau 'opini' jadi boleh kalian sanggah :D

1. Bikin judul entry yang menarik dan 'bikin penasaran'.
Bikin para blogreaders penasaran hanya karna baca judul entry-mu itu :)

2. Manfaatkan search engine dengan keywords yang memungkinkan dicari.
Misal kita bandingin, entry dengan judul 'Kota yang Menakjubkan' dan 'Yogyakarta Kota Menakjubkan', entry mana yang lebih mungkin muncul di Goog*le atau Bin*g? Pasti yang 'Yogyakarta Kota Menakjubkan' kan :D Karna ketika orang masukin keywords 'Yogyakarta' di search engine, blog kamu mungkin banget terpampang :D
Selain nama kota, bisa juga nama artis, judul film, nama tokoh, dan lainnya.

3. Jangan males atau malu untuk share blog kamu.
Bisa lewat social media (Facebook, Twitter, dsb). Pajang aja alamat blogmu di social-social media ;)

4. Ini tips yang agak susah sih, coba berbahasa Inggris di beberapa entry.
Yaa tujuannya biar 'konsumen' blogmu gak cuma dari dalam negeri, tapi juga internasional. Wooohooooo \m/ #apasih

December 7, 2011

Song: Nobody's Perfect

Again, Jessie J. :D

When I'm nervous I have this thing yeah I talk too much
Sometimes I just can't shut the hell up
It's like I need to tell someone anyone who'll listen
And that's where I seem to fuck up, yeah
I forget about the consequences, for a minute there I lose my senses
And in the heat of the moment my mouth's starts going the words start flowing

## But I never meant to hurt you, I know it's time that I learnt to
Treat the people I love like I wanna be loved
This is a lesson learnt

** I hate that I let you down and I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around cause now I'm the one that's hurting yeah
And I hate that I made you think that the trust we had is broken
So don't tell me you can't forgive me
Cause nobody's perfect, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nobodys perfect

If I could turn back the hands of time
I swear I never wanna cross that line
I should of kept it between us but no I went and told the whole world how I feel and oh
So I sit and I realise with these tears falling from my eyes
I gotta change if I wanna keep you forever
Promise that I'm gonna try



Im not a saint, no not at all, but what I did it wasn't cool
But I swear that I'll never do that again to you
I'm not a saint, no not at all, but what I did it wasn't cool
But I swear that ill never do that again to you.


So...emmm....how to start....

Honestly, I only know 2 songs from Jessie J, but they both totally awesome (Price Tag & Nobody's Perfect) :]
It makes me wanna search for another Jessie's song.

And my opinion 'bout this song.... I love the rythm, and how Jessie sings it :D
Of course I also love the meaning of this song. It's about a person who really sorry for what S/he did in the past to someone who s/he really care to. S/he's afraid of hurting that person's heart. And now S/he thinks that S/he gets the karma, because now S/he's the one that's hurt.

S/he begging for that person's forgiveness. S/he says 'cause nobody's perfect'. S/he promises that S/he'll never do that again.

Sooo, I recommend this song to you. :)